Friday, July 24, 2009

Alex's First Picnic

Rich had the day off yesterday, so we decided to escape the ridiculous Phoenix summer heat and take a day-trip to Prescott.  Alex slept through the car-ride up there and woke just in time for her first picnic!  We spread a blanket under some tall pine trees and ate lunch.  Alex had her favorite lunch item (milk, done medium-well) and we enjoyed the change of scenery for a bit.
Alex loves when we carry her in the Baby Bjorn Backpack!It ended up being a little hotter than we expected, so we wrapped up our picnic quickly and headed to downtown Prescott so we could hang out in the shady town square park.

She got a little fussy after awhile.  Here is Rich joining in on her screaming.

Overall, it was a wonderful day! 


Anonymous said...

Rich, that's a great imitation, did it come out stereo?? Grandma H

BTW Great Photos!

Lea said...

Looks like a really fun day! Good for you for getting out of town for a bit. And you're looking really great, mama!