Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Happy News

We are kind of thrilled, excited, ecstatic and over-the-top happy to announce that we will be expanding our family in April, 2011! We have known for a few weeks, and it is really difficult for me to keep ANYTHING this cool a surprise.  Today we had our first ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, and everything is looking wonderful and healthy!

We knew we wanted to have our children close together (assuming it was what was meant to be?) so this is such a blessing for us and our family!  I am just hoping for as great of a pregnancy as last time and of course, we are hoping for a healthy baby!  I am feeling very sick and exhausted, but it's all part of the package I guess.  I sure do miss those early evening naps that I could take so easily during the last pregnancy though!  It definitely changes the game when you have a toddler to run around with. 

Speaking of that toddler, we asked her how she felt about us bringing her a baby brother or sister, and here was her reaction:

I think she's excited. 

Well, we are at least, and maybe it will be contagious?


Lea said...

Congratulations!! I had a feeling that there would be an announcement soon! So happy for your guys!!!

Happynews said...

If you think you're excited.... you ought to have seen us jumping up for joy! Yes, I think I like the idea of a little gummy bear growing in there!

You and Rich are so good parenting, loving and nurturing, I can't wait to see your little family grow and grow, there is so much love in there it's fabulous!

Love ya always - Mommy (although Gamma is my current tittle)

Sarah LeSueur said...

YAY!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!