My Georgia family lives in a rural area and some of my best childhood memories come from there. I close my eyes and remember summers of climbing trees, scooping up tadpoles from the lake, catching fireflies in mayonnaise jars, eating watermelon as it dripped down my arm, and driving a golfcart through the woods. Was I lucky or what? I do love where we live now, but there is a part of me that is sad because Alex won't know that kind of childhood, of living in the "country." I can only hope to give her some of it by visiting.
I had just purchased my new camera before the trip, so I went a little photo-crazy. I am pretty pleased with some of my shots and I'm finally beginning to feel like I'm making some progress in the photography department. I bought my first manual camera 4 years ago, and I really think it has taken that long for me to feel comfortable with all of the settings and editing software.

We had a wonderful week and it was so relaxing! You know how you go on vacation sometimes, and you get back and feel exhausted because you did too much? This wasn't that type of trip. We talked and ate and swam and ate and ate and ate. And drank. And played. And ahhhhhh....I wish we were there again.
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