Rich kept putting off getting his hair cut--even though we have access to a very good and conveniently located hairstylist (AKA my best friend, Katie!). But that requires making an appointment ahead of time, which apparently is not an easy task for him. So when it had gotten to an all-time messy shag, we were at Target, and Rich spotted the buzzers and haircutting kits. His brilliant idea came to him then--to have me cut his hair. That way, we can do it anytime the need arises, no appointment necessary! The kit was under $30, so even if it wasn't the best quality shaving device, we had already recouped our money because it was the same cost as one haircut at a salon. Very practical, I had to admit.
Nevermind that I have no idea how to cut hair, but he wasn't worried. He said if I messed up, we could just buzz it all off and start from scratch. So here is the BEFORE:

And, TADAH, here is the AFTER:

Okay, so I realize that it may look like I just took the buzzer and shaved it all the same length, but I swear there was some scissoring done to the top, and some blending to the sides. It took forever, and I was giggling the whole time out of nervousness. Needless to say, you get what you pay for! :)
Good job! I started cutting all 3 boys' hair a few months ago. It's great. We save enough money that every few months I can afford to go see Katie! =) It's a win-win! And it's so easy with the clippers.
Go you! My husband makes me cut his hair, but I just do it all one length with the clippers. Although it's a pain to do it (I've been doing it for years now), it really does save money. And now I do Asher's as well, although I am trying to experiment with blending and such also!
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