Saundra came to visit me this week. We drove from Phoenix to San Diego to visit Alice over the weekend. The three of us have been friends for four years, and even though that may not seem like too long, it is amazing how much we have gone through in that short period.
Here is a photo from our training class in July 2004:

And here is one from this weekend:

The obvious change is a new face: Emily! She's now two and a half, and a sweet, beautiful little girl. The rest of the changes can't be seen in our photo. So much has happened in these four short years, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for all of us.
As for this trip, some highlights:
*Box seats at the Dodgers game, complete with a view of Larry King Live. Really, as in he was "live," five seats away from us! Alice is pinching him in this photo:

*A late night chat that was wonderful and soul-soothing
*A delicious breakfast at the Pancake House and a yummy homemade gumbo dinner by Alice
*A detour to Mexico by Saundra and me, or so the border official told us, as seen below:

*Some fun photo opps, like this one:

Overall, it was a great reunion trip. I wish we lived in the same part of the country, but until then, we'll have to keep up on our little visits!