I had a pretty amazing birthday present this year. As I was driving home to get ready for dinner with friends it occurred to me that maybe I should stop at the drugstore....just in case. I thought it might be a good idea to know for sure before I indulged in wine or beer for the birthday festivities. So I bought two tests, came home and casually took one, not even thinking anything about it. Sure enough....two pink lines!!!! So I immediately called Rich at work to tell him--and he said take another test! And...yep, I'm pregnant! I'm about 8 weeks along, and we go for the first ultrasound next week. So tentatively, we're looking at May 23 for the due date. I'm super excited and terrified all at once.
Rich and I went shopping last night for another friend of ours who is having a baby, and it was a little overwhelming to walk through the baby aisles. We have so much to learn!!!
Oh my goodness, congratulations! You guys wasted no time, huh? =) I'm so excited for you. I've been through it twice, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Wow, congratulations! I am so excited for you!
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